Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD

Coping with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterised by irrational thoughts and obsessions (fears) that cause you to perform compulsions (behaviours) repetitively. OCD affects both women and men at the same rate and typically appears during adolescences or early adulthood. Research suggests that this condition may be hereditary.


  • Persistent thoughts, images and\or fears of germs, dirt and/or intruders
  • Tireless rituals like repetitively washing your hands, counting, locking and/or unlocking doors, hoarding material objects and/or performing the same steps over and over again
  • The inability to control undesirable thoughts and behaviours
  • The inability ability to receive complete satisfaction from performing the rituals and/or behaviours
  • Thoughts and rituals that take up at least one hour of your day and interfere with your daily functioning


Although there appears to be a strong genetic link to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it is unknown why some people develop OCD and others do not. Researchers suggest that various parts of your brain and/or your brain chemistry contribute to the anxiety and fear associated with this health condition.


Minds For The Future psychologists can help you get a grasp on your fears and conquer your OCD behaviours.

  • Reframing Unhealthy Thoughts and Behaviours

Minds For The Future psychologists can guide the way you think, behave and react to stressful situations. During therapy, you will learn, through various reframing exercises, how to effectively cope with your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.

  • Relaxation Techniques

Minds For The Future psychologists can teach you relaxation techniques (deep breathing, talking with friends, etc.) that not only reduce your stress level, but also help you successfully cope with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.  Your psychologist will teach you relaxation techniques that reduce your unhealthy thoughts and your urge to repeat certain actions/behaviours. During therapy, you will learn that your thoughts control your behaviour; therefore by changing your thoughts, you can change your behaviour.

  • Gradual Exposure

One of the most effective ways to manage and/or reduce OCD is through gradual exposure to the objects, people, situations, etc. that you fear. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you conquer your fears and manage your health condition. During therapy, you will not only learn how to identify anxiety triggers (i.e. intruders, fire, abandonment, etc.), but also develop alternative ways to manage those fears. The goal of gradual exposure is for you to face your fears so that they no longer cause your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.

  • Rewards

Minds For The Future psychologists can teach you how to reward yourself when you actively stop yourself from thinking obsessive thoughts and performing compulsive behaviours. Your psychologist may suggest that you buy yourself a treat or indulge in your favourite desert every time you stop yourself from performing OCD behaviours.