Gambling Addiction

Gambling Addiction: Knowing When to Seek Help

A gambling addiction can affect people of all races, ages, genders, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds. You may have a gambling issue if your preoccupation with this activity prevents you from fulfilling home and work responsibilities. Thankfully, there are ways that you can manage these issues so that you can live a healthy and productive life.


The following signs may signal that your gambling has gotten out of control:

  • Unexplained absences from work and/or school
  • An abrupt change in personality and/or behaviour
  • A new interest in gambling activities
  • Lying and/or suspicious activities
  • Consistent use of gambling language



The exact cause of gambling issues vary, but the following risk factors appear to play a significant role in their development and progression:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Alcohol and/or Cocaine Abuse/Addiction
  • Stress
  • Financial Problems/Debt



If you are having problems controlling your gambling, Mind For The Future psychologists can help you identify your triggers and control your gambling activities.


  • Identifying Your Triggers

If you have gambling issues, then you have come to the right place because Minds For he Future psychologists can help you cope with these issues in a safe and positive way. During therapy, you will not only learn how to identify your gambling triggers, but you will also learn how to avoid situations that encourage gambling. Minds For The Future psychologists can provide you with the tools that you need to successfully change your thought processes and behaviours so that you no longer feel the need to gamble compulsively.


  • Changing Your Behaviour

Minds For The Future psychologists can teach you how to reframe the way you see gambling.  Your psychologist will not only help you understand what prompts your need to gamble (i.e. stress, financial, work and/or relationship issues, etc.), but also help you find healthy, alternative ways to handle any issues in your life. Moreover, Minds For The Future psychologists will help you mend relationships that have been damaged by your gambling issues.


  • Seeking Support

Minds For The Future psychologists can help you reach out to family and friends. It is important that those closest to you know what you are going through. Your loved ones can provide the support that you need to cope with and/or resolve your gambling issues. Your Minds For The Future psychologist will encourage you to share your struggles with your friends and family by writing letters, scheduling a family dinner or speaking with each one individually.


  • Limiting and/or Removing Financial Resources

If you constantly spend money on gambling activities, Minds For The Future psychologist can help curb your spending. Your psychologist will suggest that you turn over your money to a trusted friend or family member or place a cap on how much money you can spend in a specified time frame. In other words, during therapy, you will learn how to limit your access to money and/or delegate someone else to manage your finances.