Divorce and Separation

Divorce and Separation

Divorce and separation can mean two different things in the legal system, especially when it comes to custody of children and property rights. When you are in the midst of a divorce, a family court judge sets in motion the dissolution (end) of your marriage. If you and your spouse decide to separate you can either go through a legal separation (which is more formal) or an informal separation (which typically does not involve the legal system). Both a divorce and separation can be a significant change for both individuals, as well as other family members that may be affected. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you improve your current relationship or move on to a more fulfilling one.

Signs of an Impending Divorce or Separation:

  • Indifference
  • Lack of Communication
  • Lack of Intimacy
  • Frequent Disagreements/Arguments
  • Constant Criticism/Belittling
  • Extra-Marital Affairs
  • Anger/Frustration/Irritability


Common Causes of a Divorce or Separation:

  • Infidelity
  • Abuse (Physical, Sexual, Emotional)
  • Alcohol and/or Substance Abuse
  • Abandonment
  • Personality Differences
  • Lack of Communication and/or Trust
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Mental Instability
  • Criminal Behaviour



  • Don’t Suppress Your Feelings: It is normal to experience conflicting emotions such as: sadness, resentment, anger, liberation, anxiety and uncertainty before, during and after a divorce or separation. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you identify and acknowledge these conflicting feelings so that you can either work on your relationship or move on with your life. 
  • Share Your Feelings: Although it may be painful to talk about your divorce or separation, it is important to share your feelings with others. Minds For The Future psychologists can provide you with a safe, secure and supportive environment so that you can express yourself. If you do not feel comfortable talking about your feelings, your psychologist may suggest that you write down your feelings in a journal or diary.
  • Focus on the Future: If you are going through a divorce or separation, it is important that you focus on the future. It is easy to get caught up in old memories, but it is important to remember that the end goal is to determine whether or not you want to work on the relationship (separation) or end the marriage (divorce). Minds For The Future psychologists will teach you how to stop overanalysing the situation, rehashing past grievances and/or dwelling on hurt feelings so that you can improve the quality of your life.
  • Spend Time with Friends and Family: If you are going through a hard time, it is important that you reach out to those who love you. Minds For The Future psychologists will encourage you to seek support from your friends and family. A strong support system will revitalise you and offer you invaluable support.