How your Psychologist will assist you

4 Things to expect from your Minds For The Future Psychologist:

Psychologists can help you work through your issues so that you experience happiness and fulfilment in life. They are non-bias, non-judgmental and non-confrontational. In fact, their main purpose is to provide you with a safe and secure environment in which you can share your innermost feelings and beliefs.

Psychologists actively listen to you and help you identify what is causing your distress. They use a variety of strategies and techniques to help you either resolve your issues or effectively manage them. Minds For The Future psychologists can provide you with the outlet you need to successfully solve your problems and move on with your life.

Minds For The Future psychologists will help you in the following ways

1. Actively Listen

Psychologists are excellent at paying attention to what you have to say as well as what you do not say. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you work through conflicting emotions and/or resolve your issues by actively listening to you. During sessions, your psychologist will ask you open-ended questions and listen attentively so that you can share your thoughts and feelings, without interruption.

2.  Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Psychologists pay attention to your body language in order to get a better understanding of your true feelings. Minds For The Future psychologists can help you find solutions to your problems by observing your body language. For instance, if you start to tense up when talking about your family, then your psychologist will be able to recognise that there are unresolved family issues that need to be addressed.

3. Take Notes to Help Better Understand Your Dilemma

Although it may seem intrusive at first, it is important that psychologists take notes during sessions. The notes help the psychologist better understand your dilemma. Minds For The Future psychologists take notes to ensure key topics are addressed and important signs or symptoms are not overlooked. During sessions, your psychologist will take notes in order to get a better grasp on what you need to resolve your issues.

4. Use a Variety of Strategies and Methods

It is not uncommon for psychologists to use a variety of strategies and methods to help you work through your conflicting emotions and/or issues. Minds For The Future psychologists may use journaling, and/or stress-management techniques (yoga, meditation, exercise) to help you resolve and/or manage your situation. During sessions, your psychologist will ask you to write down how you feel in a journal, pretend that you are speaking to the person who upset you and/or make a list of things that you want to improve.